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Henry Joseph Round fut le premier à mettre en évidence le phénomène d'électroluminescence, en 1907.

Henry Joseph Round

Voila le texte où il explique avoir découvert l'électroluminescence :

A note on carborundum, découverte de l'électroluminescence par Henry Joseph Round

To the Editors of Electrical World:

SIRS: Durant la rech investigation of the unsymmetrical passage of current through a contact of carborundum and other substances a curious phenomenon was noted. On applying a potential of 10 volts between two points on a crystal of carborundum, the crystal gave out a yellowish light. Only one of two specimens could be found which gave a bright glow on such a low voltage, but with 110 volts a large number could be found to glow. In some crystals only edges gave the light and others gave instead of a yellow light green, orange or blue. In all cases tested the glow appears to come from the negative pole, a bright blue-green spark appearing at the positive pole. In a single crsytal, if contact is made near the center with the negative pole, and the positive pole is put in contact at any other palce, only one section of the crystal will glow and that same section wherever the positive pole is placed.

There seems to be some connection between the above effect and the e.m.f. produced by a junction of carborundum and another conductor when heated by a direct or alternating current; but the connection may be only secondary as an obvious explanation of the e.m.f. effect is the thermoelectric one. The writer would be glad of references to any published account of an investigation of this or any allied phenomena.

New York, N. Y.

H. J. Round





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