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Georges Zissis

Dr Georges Zissis, Professor, Deputy director of LaPlaCE (Laboratory of Plasma and Energy Conversion)
Georges Zissis, born in Athens in 1964, is graduated in 1986 form Physics dept of University of Crete (Greece) in general physics. He got his MSc and PhD in Plasma Science in 1987 and 1990 from Toulouse 3 University (France). Today, he is full professor in the Electrical Engineering Dept of Toulouse 3 University.
He is working the domain of Light Sources Science and Technology.
He is responsible of the “High Intensity Light Sources” research team that enrols 11 researchers.
Prof Zissis won in December 2006 the 1st Award of the International Electrotechnics Committee (IEC) Centenary Challenge for his work on normalization for urban lighting systems.
Prof Zissis is deputy director of “LaPlaCE”, a join laboratory between Toulouse 3 University, National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse and CNRS (French National Council of Research). LaPlaCE represents a task force of 300 researchers.
He is Chairman of the European Union COST-529 “efficient lighting for the 21st century” network, which regroups more than 80 academic and industrial institutions from 20 European countries; Chairman of the Lighting and Displays technical committee (LDC) of IEEE-IAS; President of the Regional Branch of the French Illuminating Society (AFE) and National Secretary of the same organism.
He act as expert for ANR in France and other international organisms as National Research Council of Honk Kong
Since 1986 he published 4 chapters in books, 47 papers in scientific Journals. He presented more than 180 papers (including 20 invited lectures and 7 tutorials) in scientific events. He was advisor of 7 PhD students.

Quelques publications

Présentation du séminaire ECRIN-Eclairage 2007, UT Troyes, Juin 2007
LEDs blanches et éclairage général : quel potentiel et quels problèmes ? Publié dans revue ECRIN, 66, pp 20-27 (2007)
Etat de l'art de la science et technologie des systèmes d'éclairage : économies d'énergie et développement durable Conférence "Energie et développement durable" à l'ENS Cachan - Antenne de Bretagne (mars 2007)





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